and Vehicles
Surface Preparation – Nationwide
We specialise in using a low pressure sand jetting system that has been used nationwide for boat cleaning. Obviously we do this sort of work mainly in Yorkshire, but have worked in Nottinghamshire, Huntingdonshire and Derbyshire – inland counties! We cleaned another boat at Lake Windermere in Cumbria some years ago.
The system, in our trained hands, causes minimal damage to an underlying surface and is flexible enough to tackle most boat cleaning tasks.
The low pressure sand jet can clean GRP and wood with minimal surface damage, at the same time, the ‘damp’ system also captures dirt, paint, and abrasive, preventing the health and safety risks associated with dry blasting.
A further advantage of the system we use is that it also uses far less abrasive than traditional techniques, making expensive abrasives cost effective, but more significantly reducing waste. Abrasive does not need to be recycled, preventing cross contamination between jobs, and apart from in specialist cases, is not a major part of the running costs.

Motor Cars
We specialise in using a low pressure sand jetting system, obviously sometimes traditional sand/bead blasting is more appropriate for metal cleaning.
However the ‘damp’ system also captures dirt and abrasive, preventing the health and safety risks associated with dry blasting. It also acts as a coolant, and therefore can clean thin metals, such as motor vehicle shells, without heating the surface causing distortion.
A further advantage of the system we use is that it also uses much less abrasive than traditional sandblasting, making expensive abrasives, such as garnet, cost effective, and more significantly reducing waste. Abrasive does not need to be recycled, preventing cross contamination between jobs, and apart from in specialist cases, is not a major part of the running costs.